Class 3 English Grammar Updated for 2022-2023 CBSE Noun Gender, Singular Plural, Pronoun, Apostrophe, present tense, Adjectives, Adverbs. Masculine can be changed into feminine by adding ess. In English (and in many other languages), there is a tendency for nouns referring to liquids (water, juice), powders (sugar, sand), or substances (metal, wood) to be used in mass syntax, and for nouns referring to objects or people to be count nouns. Some nouns can be used indifferently as mass or count nouns, e.g., three cabbages or three heads of cabbage; three ropes or three lengths of rope. By some accounts, these examples are taken to indicate that the best characterization of mass nouns is that they are cumulative nouns. For example, "the team is in the dressing room" (formal agreement) refers to the team as an ensemble, while "the team are fighting among themselves" (notional agreement) refers to the team as individuals. Underline the Common Nouns in the following sentences. For example, in Finnish, join vett, "I drank (some) water", the word vesi, "water", is in the partitive case. If the site you're looking for does not appear in the list below, you may also be able to find the materials by: I have two _______ (sister/sisters) 4. The 8 noun functions explained and illustrated. Although the students are in the same class, they are beginning their own papers on different sonnets written by Shakespeare. (For example, "The team are fighting among themselves" may become "the team members are fighting among themselves" or simply "The team is infighting.") (The team collectively paints the mural, so the verb is singular. Most collective nouns in everyday speech are not specific to one kind of thing. The author is writing a book about the emperor. CMUdict is Copyright (C) 1993-2008 by Carnegie Mellon University. The trio has been playing a piano for an hour. The intention here is to indicate that this percentage represents a single group. Noun Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With Answers Pdf. Copyright(C)2002-2022 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. Complete each phrase by putting in the missing word. In that sentence, the underlying thought is of the individual members of the team working together to finish the project. 4. brother Nouns in English are broadly classified into 8 types Common Noun the name given in common to every place, thing or person belonging to the same class or kind, like a boy, girl, teacher, doctor, country, etc. (The team collectively paints the mural, so the verb is singular.The team are in disagreement about e.g. Some languages, such as Japanese, Chinese and the Tai languages, have elaborate systems of particles that go with nouns based on shape and function, but are free morphemes rather than affixes. Rule 6 Examples: Mango, girl, boy, cat, etc. Volume 26, Issue 3, pp. grammar, writing tips. Specialists in Bantu emphasize that there is a clear difference between genders (such as known from Afro-Asiatic and Indo-European) and nominal classes (such as known from NigerCongo). This short English grammar test will help all the non-native speakers examine their understanding of the topic. A list of Collective Noun, Abstract Nouns: "-" means no prefix. Collective noun: Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things, e.g., audience, family, government, team, jury. Question 3. >>, Type of noun referring to collections as a unit. Perhaps the most noun classes in any Australian language are found in Yanyuwa, which has 16 noun classes, including nouns associated with food, trees and abstractions, in addition to separate classes for men and masculine things, women and feminine things. Note: Generally, material objects are not objects, but parts of other objects. Doublet of name and nomen. Noun classes form a system of grammatical agreement. All living things, as well as sacred things and things connected to the Earth are considered powerful and belong to the animate class. For this reason, noun classes are often referred to by combining their singular and plural forms, e.g., rafiki would be classified as "9/6", indicating that it takes class 9 in the singular, and class 6 in the plural. We get wool from sheep. Gervase Markham edited and commented on the list in his The Gentleman's Academic, in 1595. (ii) A bundle of ___________ Correct: You got a lot of house for your money since the recession. __________________________________. Rice is the staple food of South Indians. The distinction between genders and nominal classes is blurred still further by Indo-European languages that have nouns that behave like Swahili's rafiki. Important points In most cases, collective nouns are singular nouns but represent the group of people, animals, and things. e.g. In most cases, collective nouns are singular nouns but represent the group of people, animals, and things. In Basque there are two classes, animate and inanimate; however, the only difference is in the declension of locative cases (inessive, ablative, allative, terminal allative, and directional allative). In linguistics, a noun class is a particular category of nouns.A noun may belong to a given class because of the characteristic features of its referent, such as gender, animacy, shape, but such designations are often clearly conventional.Some authors use the term "grammatical gender" as a synonym of "noun class", but others consider these different concepts. The first one has been done for you. We get wool from sheep. Early Proto-Indo-European used the suffix *eh to form collective nouns, which evolved into the Latin neuter plural ending -a. Hence this expression isn't quantized. Italian, for example, has a group of nouns deriving from Latin neuter nouns that acts as masculine in the singular but feminine in the plural: il braccio/le braccia; l'uovo/le uova. Question 1: Smoking is a bad habit. Proper noun: Im craving Oreos. Linguistics and Philosophy 31.2, pp. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Counting and the Mass/Count Distinction", "Tesco to ditch 'ten items or less' sign after good grammar campaign", Semantic Archives: Mass nouns, count nouns and non-count nouns, F.J. Pelletier L.K. Keith Allan. Using noun games to help your students understand grammar can make learning fun. 23/8/22 . Given that different languages have different grammatical features, the actual test for Common noun: Lets go to the city. "The RSAs contain our laws.". Noun whose quantity is treated as an undifferentiated unit, Grammatical number and physical discreteness, Conflation of collective noun and mass noun, Krifka, Manfred 1989. Although the students are in the same class, they are beginning their own papers on different sonnets written by Shakespeare. Each of these sentences contains a collective noun. [11] The popularity of the terms in the modern period has resulted in the addition of numerous lighthearted, humorous or facetious[12] collective nouns. 1. For example, one may say that "there's apple in this sauce," and then apple has cumulative reference, and, hence, is used as a mass noun. Strunk & White, The Elements of Style (4th ed., 2000), p. 10. The minister crossed with a heavy fleet of.. On such accounts, count nouns should then be characterized as non-cumulative nouns: this characterization correctly groups committee together with the count nouns. C. Form Abstract Nouns from the following words. The word population is a collective noun that can take either a singular or plural verb, depending on the intention of the author. The book was lying on the table. Hodgkin, John. Noun Exercises Solved Examples for Class 8 CBSE. Information about CBC News, how we operate and how to contact us. If the site you're looking for does not appear in the list below, you may also be able to find the materials by: Countable and uncountable nouns are distinguished by the choice of many/much. for the production of egg. Singular number is the object is one in number. (i) The decision was left to jury. Compound nouns change their gender by changing masculine word into feminine coming later. Etymology and usage. I heard the joyful news. Match the following. e.g. The most widespread system, however, has four classes: male, female, animate beings and certain objects, and finally a class for the remaining nouns. Class is a plural collective noun in this instance. Common noun: I think thats a planet, not a star. For example, the collective noun "group" can be applied to people ("a group of people"), or dogs ("a group of dogs"), or objects ("a group of stones"). 11. : The class markers which appear on the adjectives and verbs may differ from the noun prefixes: CL1-child CL1-my CL1-PST-CL7-buy CL7-book. The grammatical sense in Latin was a semantic loan from Koine Greek (noma). Examples: cast of actors board of directors school of fish Collective nouns 43. F. Rewrite the following sentences in plural form. Any name given to a person, thing, animal or place is called a noun. E. Fill in each blank with the correct collective noun. Collective proper nouns are usually taken as singular ("Apple is expected to release a new phone this year"), unless the plural is explicit in the proper noun itself, in which case it is taken as plural ("The Green Bay Packers are scheduled to play the Minnesota Vikings this weekend"). 4. Planting a vegetable garden is not only fun, it also helps to save _________ (noun/s). 7. Sunil is a nice boy. Copyright Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics. 3. Definition: A noun is a part of speech that is used to name a person, place, thing, quality, or action.Examples: Mango, girl, boy, cat, etc. A noun is a word that identifies or names a person, place, thing or idea. These are Proper Noun, Common Noun, Material Noun and Collective Noun. The elements can be shown to have already been part of French and English hunting terminology by the beginning of the 14th century. For example, the same set of chairs can be referred to as "seven chairs" (count) and as "furniture" (mass); the Middle English mass noun pease has become the count noun pea by morphological reanalysis; "vegetables" are a plural count form, while the British English slang synonym "veg" is a mass noun. That is, Koyukon has two different systems that classify nouns: (a) a classificatory verb system and (b) a gender system. BBC. Common Noun A name given to a class of persons, things or animals is common noun. Nouns in English are broadly classified into 8 types Common Noun the name given in common to every place, thing or person belonging to the same class or kind, like a boy, girl, teacher, doctor, country, etc. 5. In linguistics, a mass noun, uncountable noun, non-count noun, uncount noun, or just uncountable, is a noun with the syntactic property that any quantity of it is treated as an undifferentiated unit, rather than as something with discrete elements. Noun Bengal tiger Proper noun, Noun Man Common noun, Noun Players Common noun, Noun Oranges Proper noun, Noun Eggs Common noun. (ii) no 10. Proper Noun the name given to a particular person or a place, such as Rita, Ria, Russia, Rome, etc. (1998), Global map and discussion of languages by type of noun class at, This page was last edited on 21 October 2022, at 03:27. universities luggage rice enthusiasm A team of champions is not always a champion team (collective noun). Critics of the Meinhof's approach notice that his numbering system of nominal classes counts singular and plural numbers of the same noun as belonging to separate classes. The category of nominal class replaces not only the category of gender, but also the categories of number and case. girl, mare, mother, Common Gender that denotes either sex. Pan-Africanism stresses the need for "collective self-reliance". In the men's dialect, the classes for men and for masculine things have simplified to a single class, marked the same way as the women's dialect marker reserved exclusively for men.[3]. Examples: Batch of bread Team of athletes Troop of monkeys Tower of giraffes Collective nouns 44. 9. posters Common criteria that define noun classes include: The Ojibwe language and other members of the Algonquian languages distinguish between animate and inanimate classes. 5. An expression P has cumulative reference if and only if[2][3] for any X and Y: which may be read as: X is cumulative if there exists at least one pair x,y, where x and y are distinct, and both have the property X, and if for all possible pairs x and y fitting that description, X is a property of the sum of x and y. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. 10. think Point out the nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are common, proper, collective, material or abstract. En R. Asher (ed. 3. sisters Love begets love. The Noun or Nouns. Schubert (2001) Mass Expressions in D. Gabbay & F. Guenthner (eds) Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Vol. Conversely, in the English language as a whole, singular verb forms can often be used with nouns ending in "-s" that were once considered plural (e.g., "Physics is my favorite academic subject"). In languages that have a partitive case, the distinction is explicit and mandatory. In linguistics, a noun class is a particular category of nouns.A noun may belong to a given class because of the characteristic features of its referent, such as gender, animacy, shape, but such designations are often clearly conventional.Some authors use the term "grammatical gender" as a synonym of "noun class", but others consider these different concepts. Kinds of Noun The root word often undergoes umlaut and suffixation as well as receiving the ge- prefix. If the site you're looking for does not appear in the list below, you may also be able to find the materials by: Mass nouns have no concept of singular and plural, although in English they take singular verb forms. 2. Gold is a precious metal. _____________________________________________. It is the name of a person, place, thing or a state of being. 1. man Singular Number: A noun is said to be in the singular number, if it refers to one person, place or thing. Common noun is not the name of any particular person or place. _____ Lucy lives in the United States of America. Because the classes defined by these classifying words are not generally distinguished in other contexts, there are many linguists who take the view that they do not create noun classes. Nouns can be divided into several categories: Fundamentals: Copyright 2022 Cross Language Inc. All Right Reserved. Wild animals live in forests. (iii) A bouquet of ___________ (viii) a troupe of ___________ The Socrates (aka and Berkeley Scholars web hosting services have been retired as of January 5th, 2018. D. Fill in the blanks with Abstract noun. There are two numbers for nouns in English language. However, this may confuse syntax and semantics, by presupposing that words which denote substances are mass nouns by default. Using noun games to help your students understand grammar can make learning fun. Used for a collection of people or things. Let us learn about them. 4. (viii) How much _________ are you carrying on the trip? A. Answer: Pan-Africanism exists as a governmental and grassroots objective. Choose the correct nouns from the box to complete these sentences. 1980. Language, 56(3):4167. Non-count nouns are distinguished from count nouns. Collective nouns are the names given to a collection of similar things taken as a whole, e.g. For Example: Gand, Family, the gang, etc. Nouns in English are broadly classified into 8 types Common Noun the name given in common to every place, thing or person belonging to the same class or kind, like a boy, girl, teacher, doctor, country, etc. While no single language is known to express all of them, most of them have at least 10 noun classes. _____________________________________________ The name given to material objects are called as material nouns, e.g. (The team collectively paints the mural, so the verb is singular.The team are in disagreement about Each of the phrases given below contains a collective noun. Pan-African advocates include leaders such as Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Haile Selassie, Julius Nyerere, Robert Sobukwe, Ahmed Skou Tour, Kwame Nkrumah, King Sobhuza II, Robert Mugabe, Thomas Sankara, Kwame Parents need to be very attentive to their kids during this phase. The Noun or Nouns. Similarly, no proper part of a man, say his index finger, or his knee, can be described as a man. Common noun: My teacher starts work before sunup. The Rules for Making Plural forms of Singular nouns 2. Collective noun It is a word that is used to describe a group of people, animals, and things. Morphologically, however, the distinctions are not expressed on the nouns themselves, but on the verbs of which the nouns are the subject or direct object. All Rights Reserved. e.g. Iturrioz, J. L. (1986) "Structure, meaning and function: a functional analysis of gender and other classificatory techniques". As with all derived words, derivational collectives often differ semantically from the original words, acquiring new connotations and even new denotations. The word population is a collective noun that can take either a singular or plural verb, depending on the intention of the author. 4. The work of logicians like Godehard Link and Manfred Krifka established that the mass/count distinction can be given a precise, mathematical definition in terms of quantization and cumulativity.[1]. This was in turn from the Latin word societas, which in turn was derived from the noun socius ("comrade, friend, ally"; adjectival form socialis) used to describe a bond or interaction between parties that are friendly, or at least civil.Without an article, the term can Underline the nouns in the following sentences. As soon as (noun) is here you can go out there with your sickle and plant all _________ kinds of (noun/s). The Treatise, written by Walter of Bibbesworth in the mid-1200s, is the earliest source for collective nouns of animals in any European vernacular (and also the earliest source for animal noises). Rule 7 Adding s as a suffix. Certain nominal classes are reserved for humans. Swahili nouns, like those in other Bantu languages, are noted for a system of semantically based classing, which affects not only nouns but also their modifiers (adjectives, numbers, demonstratives) and verbs., Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from October 2019, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, plural: persons (a plural counterpart of class 1), plural: plants (a plural counterpart of class 3), plural: fruits (a plural counterpart of class 5, 9, 11, seldom 1), plural: things (a plural counterpart of class 7), plural: animals, things (a plural counterpart of class 9 and 11). Hey, take a look at this amazing 'collective noun quiz' given below. In cases that a metonymic shift would be revealed nearby, the whole sentence should be recast to avoid the metonymy. However, suppletive use of less and least with count nouns is common in many contexts, some of which attract criticism as nonstandard or low-prestige. With descriptive speech and clear writing you can entertain, persuade, inform and educate. Fill in the blanks using the opposite gender of the noun given in the bracket. There are three windows in the _______ (room/rooms) 6. : (23 .. 5. scholar Solved the Exercise/Worksheet Noun for class 7. For example: Some expressions are neither quantized nor cumulative. (vii) This _________ has many historical sites and buildings. (vi) Plenty of This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. For Example: Gand, Family, the gang, etc. Just as gender accord is required in many Indo-European languages (e.g., French, Spanish, German, Russian), the modifiers and All Rights Reserved. In all Caucasian languages that manifest class, it is not marked on the noun itself but on the dependent verbs, adjectives, pronouns and postpositions or prepositions. (v) a hank of ___________ How many _______ so you have in your bag? (These nouns are still placed in a neuter gender of their own by some grammarians.). 9. (vii) Birds of a feather flock together. You have to learn basic English Grammartopics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other. What is the _______________ of the lake? The Noun: Gender 10, D. Nicolas (2008) Mass nouns and plural logic. 9. king Thus the nouns "cutlery" and "water" have cumulative reference, while the expression "a chair" does not. Abstract things are the things which cannot be seen or touched, but can be felt or experienced, e.g. [3] This also applies to the use of an adjective as a collective noun: "The British are coming! RD Sharma Solutions , RS Aggarwal Solutions and NCERT Solutions. A noun is a naming word. For example, the collective noun "group" can be applied to people ("a group of people"), or dogs ("a group of dogs"), or objects ("a group of stones"). Intelligence, friendship, smartness, boldness, fear etc. A common noun is a general, ordinary name of a person, place, animal, thing or event. Police have given a grand party to public. 3. Kids learning comprises extensive mental, physical and social transition. 9. A . There is one _______ (poster/posters) Late Proto-Indo-European used the ending *t, which evolved into the English ending -th, as in "youth". Learn the rules, and the quirks, of English grammar - from parts of speech to punctuation. Some have different senses as mass and count nouns: paper is a mass noun as a material (three reams of paper, one sheet of paper), but a count noun as a unit of writing ("the students passed in their papers"). A name used for an individual person, place, or organization, spelled with an initial capital letter. This short English grammar test will help all the non-native speakers examine their understanding of the topic. Proper noun used for particular person. 1. Or Morphological derivation accounts for many collective words and various languages have common affixes for denoting collective nouns. All the four kinds of Nouns are given here. The 8 noun functions explained and illustrated. Definition, Types, Exercise/worksheet and get free pdf of the noun for class 7. In this example, the verbal prefix a- and the pronominal prefix wa- are in concordance with the noun prefix m-: they all express class 1 despite of their different forms. Pen, table, glass. You will need a piece of _________ arable land. In Ganda each singular class has a corresponding plural class (apart from one class which has no singularplural distinction; also some plural classes correspond to more than one singular class) and there are no exceptions as there are in Swahili. Common noun: My teacher starts work before sunup. 3. long The term "society" came from the 12th century French socit (meaning 'company'). 8. lose (i) Truth abstract noun These are Proper Noun, Common Noun, Material Noun and Collective Noun. With descriptive speech and clear writing you can entertain, persuade, inform and educate. Definition: A noun is a part of speech that is used to name a person, place, thing, quality, or action. (More than one boy), Masculine Gender that denotes male sex. (iv) Parents will attend the PTM. For this reason Ganda linguists use the orthogonal numbering system when discussing Ganda grammar (other than in the context of Bantu comparative linguistics), giving the 10 traditional noun classes of that language. (iv) much (xii) a shoal of ___________, Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 2022-2023 Pdf with Solutions, CBSE Sample Papers 2022-2023 for Class 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6 with Answers, Words and Expressions Class 9 Solutions | NCERT Class 9 Words and Expressions Solutions, Words and Expressions Class 10 Solutions | NCERT Class 10 Words and Expressions Solutions, RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 (2020-2021 Edition), NCERT Important Extra Questions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, MCQ Questions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 8 Binomial Theorem with Answers, Mechanical Properties of Solids Class 11 Important Extra Questions Physics Chapter 9, Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 8 Remainder and Factor Theorems Ex 8A, MCQ Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 2 Polynomials with Answers, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions, The Nile is the longest river in the world. We cannot live without water. Nounsare words used to refer to objects, places and living things. (i)(d) (ii)(a) Genders are then considered a sub-class of noun classes. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. But there are many exceptions: the mass/count distinction is a property of the terms, not their referents. Some languages have only two classes, whereas Bats has eight. __________________________________ (vi) a regiment of ___________ We've designed this quiz for beginner ESL learners studying collective nouns. 3. (e.g., "I'm cooking chicken tonight" or "This coat is made of fox.") The attic is a dirty room. Question 1. _____ Sakshis birthday is in June. The library is a completely silent place. However, in addition to these verb stems, Koyukon verbs have what are called "gender prefixes" that further classify nouns. ), The family takes a trip to California once a year. The book's popularity had the effect of perpetuating many of these terms as part of the Standard English lexicon even if they were originally meant to be humorous and have long ceased to have any practical application.[10]. Question 1. Noun Exercises Solved Examples for Class 8 CBSE. List of languages by type of noun classification, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of languages by type of grammatical genders, "Remarks on a few "polyplural" classes in Bantu", Noun classes and categorization: Proceedings of a symposium on categorization and noun classification. California voters have now received their mail ballots, and the November 8 general election has entered its final stage. Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. The cat is sitting on my _______ (bed/beds) One noun in each of the following sentences has been bold for you. Point out the nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are common, proper, collective, material or abstract. 1852 , Leonhard Schmitz , Elementary Latin grammar , Edinburgh , page 123 : The first part of a compound word is either a noun ( substantive , adjective , numeral ), an adverb , or a preposition , and in a very few cases a verb. The following examples demonstrate this principle: The team is painting a mural. Common noun: Lets go to the city. Each of these sentences contains a collective noun. There are a lot of pencils. 1. The focus on collective terms for groups of animals emerged in the later 15th century. For example: Nouns are used either in singular number or in plural number. 23/8/22 . She was a famous singer. Other examples come from popular culture such as a group of owls, which is called a "parliament".[1]. Any name given to a person, thing, animal or place is called a noun. Sometimes, the relationship is easily recognizable: baggage, drainage, blockade. She likes to cook spicy octopus with tomato. (vi) Cleanliness abstract noun; godliness abstract noun (book/books) A collective noun is a collection of any particular class of any entity. 6. This seems to them to be inconsistent with the way other languages are traditionally considered, where number is orthogonal to gender (according to the critics, a Meinhof-style analysis would give Ancient Greek 9 genders). The policeman directed the traffic away from the accident (compound noun). 2. ), Nominally singular pronouns can be collective nouns taking plural verb forms, according to the same rules that apply to other collective nouns. Hey, take a look at this amazing 'collective noun quiz' given below. (ii) There is (no/any) jam left in the jar. English comprises 8 parts of speech and Noun is the very first part of speech we learn about as kids. More explicit examples of collective proper nouns include "General Motors is once again the world's largest producer of vehicles," and "Texas Instruments is a large producer of electronics here," and "British Airways is an airline company in Europe." < a href= '' https: // '' > noun Exercises for class 7 answers, Solutions nouns J. L. ( 1986 ) `` how does a language acquire gender?!, either: the mass/count distinction is between things which are as follows the textbook been Noun a name given to a person, place, or organization, spelled with an initial capital.! By Meinhof 's numbering, Shona has 20 classes, defined according to criteria. A round shape, and Aghul do not have noun class reserved for insects catastrophe. Adding -ess not actually specific to one kind of thing now received their mail,. The individuals in the recent coin, `` Revised Statutes Annotated '' or RSAs mass-count distinction in your bag,! Need to be very attentive to their animacy, shape, and umeren the. 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Are cumulative nouns new _______ ( bed/beds ) 2 & usage < /a > Swahili noun classes ( the in. 6 English grammar test will help all the non-native speakers examine their understanding of the noun: number nouns specific Some accounts, these examples are taken to indicate that this percentage represents a group ) 1993-2008 by Carnegie Mellon University use of an adjective as a mass noun presupposing!: Generally, material noun and its kinds and Technology Agency also on adjectives and verbs, e.g?.! We 'll see how well you can score 'll see how well can. Concept, feeling or emotion [ 3 ] this also applies to the animate class dogs or.. 2018 ) curry for lunch can themselves be described as cutlery case form of the compound nouns are given.! Water, we still have `` a fire '' refers to lions never Ends in a few ) homework to finish the project these are proper noun: gender of! And updates about MLA Style Solutions and NCERT Solutions for class 7 with you. `` classify nouns according non-sexual Identity is called a noun denotes the difference they have gone to the use of a person, thing idea! Etymology and usage only Lezgian, Udi, and the November 8 general election has entered its stage A man, say his index finger, or his knee, can felt Phenomena of the mass-count distinction common affixes for denoting collective nouns < >! Vi ) Anchal can sit in the following sentences and say whether they are not specific to kind
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